The Twin 2022 movie coverVirus-32 2022 movie coverThe Cellar movie cover

In Episode 009 of Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, the Horror Avengers bring you eight Feature Reviews of brand-new Horror releases, including Hillwalkers (2022), Run Hide Fight (2022), The Cellar (2022), The Northman (2022), The Twin (2022), Virus: 32 (2022), Wyrmwood: Apocalypse (2022), and we discuss how much Horror Sam Raimi gives us in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022).

Also in Episode 009, we discuss the concept of “Comfort Horror Movies”; bring you twin reviews of “The Twin” and “The Northman”; learn about Regional Filmmaking from Gillman Joel; learn which of your Horror hosts committed an actual crime — a Federal Offense — against another host; get to hear about Mister Watson’s New French Extreme Horror Fab 5 and GregaMortis’s sexy “She-Creature”; enjoy surprise visits from The Twisted Temptress and Spawn of the Dead; bring you one or two epic battles among the Horror Avengers; and The Unknown Caller brings to light a Horror film from the 1960s that you should see! This is a must-listen, so don’t miss it!

Of course, you will get seven, Horror-themed Specialty Segments from each host, including Jay of the Dead’s It Could Happen to You Horror, Dr. Shock’s Macabre Film History, Gillman Joel’s Horror Lagoon, Mister Watson’s Horror Hierarchy, The Dead Zone with Dr. Walking Dead, GregaMortis’s Monsters on the Mantle, and Horror in Black and White by Mackula! Join us!

Be sure to subscribe to Jay of the Dead’s new Horror movie podcast on:

You are welcome to email our show at, or call and leave us a voicemail at (801) 899-9798. You can also follow Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies on Twitter: @HorrorAvengers

Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies is a biweekly podcast that releases every other Wednesday. Our seven experienced Horror hosts review new Horror movies and deliver specialty Horror segments. Your hosts are Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson, Dr. Walking Dead, GregaMortis and Mackula! Due to the large number and busy schedule of its seven Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies will be recorded in segments, piecemeal, at various times and recording sessions. Therefore, as you listen to our episodes, you will notice a variety of revolving door hosts and segments, all sewn together and reanimated like the powerful Monster of Dr. Frankenstein!

Note: This episode was recorded in May of 2022, and it was released on May 19, 2022.


[ 00:00:01 ]Introduction

  • This episode is dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. “Monkeybone”
  • Welcome to Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, Episode 009
  • Hosts: Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson, Dr. Walking Dead, GregaMortis, Mackula
  • A little feedback about Episode 008
  • A story you didn’t know about Noah, the ark-builder
  • Horror podcast community lineage
  • Shout-out to Joe (aka “Monkeybone”)
  • Please do not misuse the bailer
  • Reminder: Shakma the Berserk Baboon is the official mascot of Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies

[ 00:25:05 ]New Release 2022 Superhero Action Movie (with Horror Elements and Monstrosities)

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Jay of the Dead = 7 ( Theater / Rental )

2022 Horror Movie Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

— Dr. Shock and Jay of the Dead debate the quality of Marvel films’ dialogue, old and new, while Mister Watson laughs…

[ 00:45:05 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movie

The Cellar (2022)
Mister Watson = 7.5 ( Stream on Shudder )

2022 Horror Movie The Cellar

Specialty Segment

Dr. Walking Dead icon The Dead Zone with Dr. Walking Dead

[ 00:58:37 ] – Re-Animator (1985) (Spoilers)
Dr. Walking Dead = 6 ( Rental )
Jay of the Dead = 9 ( Buy it! )

Re-Animator (1985)

Mister Watson voicemail: The treatment of Jack Torrance in “The Shining” and “Doctor Sleep” novels — vs. — “The Shining” and “Doctor Sleep” films
— Inaugural Mini Segment: Is It a Zombie?
— Dr. Walking Dead’s verdict on Re-Animator…

Contact Dr. Bishop:
Kyle’s Book: American Zombie Gothic
Another Kyle Book: How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture
Documentary featuring Dr. Walking Dead: Doc of the Dead (2014)

[ 01:39:41 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movie

The Twin (2022) (Take One)
Mister Watson = 4 ( Rental )
Jay of the Dead = 5 ( Low-priority Rental )

2022 Horror Movie The Twin

[ 02:03:00 ] –

The Twin (2022) (Take Two)
Mackula = 7 ( Rental / Stream on Shudder )
GregaMortis = 7 ( Rental / Stream on Shudder )
The Twisted Temptress = 7 ( Stream on Shudder )

2022 Horror Movie The Twin

— Voicemail from Trey Whetstone of the Screaming Through the Ages podcast
— The extinction continues for the $5 movie bargain bin at gas stations

Specialty Segment

Gillman Joel icon Gillman Joel’s Horror Lagoon

[ 02:31:47 ] – Regional Filmmaking and Scary Movie (1991)
Gillman Joel = 8.5 ( Buy it! )

Scary Movie (1991)

— Casting wider nets into the Horror Lagoon
— Regional Filmmaking (especially Regional Horror Filmmaking)
— Book: “Regional Horror Films, 1958-1990: A State-by-State Guide with Interviews” by Brian Albright
— Voicemail from The Unknown Caller

[ 03:02:57 ] – Listener Feedback for Episode 008 and “Spider Baby” (1967)

  • Feedback on Ep. 008
  • Graham the Haunted Marshmallow
  • Voicemail from Peter Nielsen
  • Voicemail from The Unknown Caller
  • Spider Baby, or the Maddest Story Ever Told (1967)
1967 Horror Movie Spider Baby

[ 03:15:30 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movie

The Northman (2022) (Take One)
Jay of the Dead = 8.5 ( Theater / Buy it! )

2022 Horror Movie The Northman

[ 03:32:06 ] –

The Northman (2022) (Take Two)
GregaMortis = 9.5 ( Theater / Buy it! )
The Twisted Temptress = 9.5 ( Theater / Buy it! )

2022 Horror Movie The Northman

— GregaMortis and Pearl recommend this music video: The HU – Wolf Totem

Specialty Segment

Count Mackula icon Horror in Black and White by Mackula

[ 03:48:27 ] – Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Mackula = 5.5 ( Rental )

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

— April 14 Titanic sinking anniversary viewing: “A Night to Remember” (1958) Criterion Blu-ray
— Alien (1979) 4K release

Post-Production Notes with Mackula:
– Mackula’s rating on NOTLD
– The arbitrary, imprecise and problematic nature of giving films number ratings
– Ethan Hawke’s sentiments on superhero movies and personal film tastes: Video: RayWork Productions
– Jay recommends “Birth of the Living Dead” (2013) and “Doc of the Dead” (2014)
– Mackula opens and steals Jay of the Dead’s mail from Billy D. in Richmond, VA
– Jay asks Mack to keep Billy D’s generous donations of “Night of the Living Dead” and “The Descent”
– Mackula’s P.S. story about “The Twin” (2022)
– Breaking News: Text review of Ep. 008 from Dr. Shock

– Watch Mackula’s short film: Unseen
— Filmmaker Mack Robins’ YouTube Channel
– Send Mackula a comment or question:

[ 04:27:05 ] – Horror Community Spotlight (Plus a Bonus!):MK ULTRA – and – THE RECAST CAST!

— MK Ultra on Twitter: @mechamelissa

— melissakayz

— Soundcloud: Recast Cast

— Ry on Twitter: @GeekCastRy

— Seed on Twitter: @Seedalicious

MK UltraRecast Cast


VHS: Leviathan (1989)
Jay of the Dead = 7 ( Rental )

Leviathan 1989 on VHS movie cover

P.S. VHS / DVD Micro Review: Monster (1980) (aka Monstroid)
Jay of the Dead = 1 ( Avoid )

Monster 1980 movie coverMonstroid 1980 DVD cover
Monstroid 1Monstroid 2

Specialty Segment

Mr. Watson icon Mister Watson’s Horror Hierarchy

[ 04:51:50 ] – Mister Watson’s New French Extreme Horror Fab 5

  1. Martyrs (2009)
  2. Raw (2017)
  3. Inside (2008)
  4. Titane (2021)
  5. Calvaire (2006)
M 20

Specialty Segment

Jay of the Dead icon Jay of the Dead’s “It Could Happen to You” Horror

[ 05:05:14 ] – Captivity (2007)
Jay of the Dead = 6 ( Rental )

Captivity 2007 movie cover

— Three rabbit holes concerning Friday the 13th – by Jay of the Dead
BBC News: Singer Duffy ‘drugged, raped and held captive’

Specialty Segment

Dr. Shock icon Dr. Shock’s Macabre Film History

[ 05:25:27 ] – The Tragic Death of Ted Healy

[ 05:39:54 ] – 2021 Horror Movie Review

Run Hide Fight (2021)
Jay of the Dead = 9 ( Buy it! )

2021 Horror Movie Run Hide Fight

Specialty Segment

GregaMortis icon GregaMortis’s Monsters on the Mantle

[ 06:05:15 ] – The She-Creature (1956)

The She-Creature (1956)

Teasers for the next monster: 1959, Tagline: Terror in the Bayou, Starring “the original Wolf Man.”

— Mackula on Method Acting
— Mister Watson and Mackula’s vampiric Horror icons

[ 06:26:49 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movies

Virus: 32 (2022)
Jay of the Dead = 6 ( Stream on Shudder )
Mister Watson = 7.5 ( High-priority Stream on Shudder )
Mackula = 7.5 ( Stream on Shudder )

2022 Horror Movie Virus-32

[ 07:08:37 ] – Wyrmwood: Apocalypse (2022)
Mister Watson = 8 ( Stream it after the first film )

2022 Horror Movie Wyrmwood: Apocalypse

Note: Mister Watson says be sure to first watch “Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead” (2014) — an 8.5 for Watson — prior to watching its sequel “Wyrmwood: Apocalypse” (2022).

– Jay of the Dead and Mister Watson stir controversy again by re-animating the Slow vs. Fast Zombie Debate.

[ 07:32:02 ] – CONTESTS and PRIZE WINNERS for Episode 009:

    Winners Whose Prizes Will Be Sent on May 17, 2022:

  • Behind the Horror book = WINNER: Greg “The Grey Man” Bensch
  • Halloween Kills digital download = WINNER: Nisu Shah
  • Ron Martin’s Discover Salem book = WINNER: David Garrett
  • Five DVD Give-Away = WINNER: Eric on Twitter @Graboid2882

    Winners Who Need to Email Their Addresses to

  • Ghost Face action figure = WINNER: Jonathan Watkins
  • Criterion War of the Worlds = WINNER: @Revolver_Benji
  • Daydream Blu-ray = WINNER: Ian Irza
  • Bela Lugosi ReAction Figure = WINNER: Nathan Bartlebaugh

    Announcing Our Newest Prize Winners in Ep. 009:

  • Identifying NecroMOMicon’s Mystery, 1960s Horror Movie From Ep. 008 = “A” for Effort WINNER: The Unknown Caller
  • Peg Entwistle Combo: Hollywood Horror House + 13 Women DVD = WINNER: Eric on Twitter @Graboid2882
  • Alligator 4K / Alligator II Blu-ray = WINNER: Trey Whetstone
  • Kyle’s American Zombie Gothic book = WINNER: Shawn Taylor on Twitter @sskt77
  • Kyle’s How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture book = WINNER: Horror Movie Fanboy Brian Darth Scott

    Ep. 009 Contests (Winners Will Be Announced in Ep. 010)

  • Frederick Ingram CD – Initial Exposure
  • TCM Fright Favorites book
  • Horror Blu-ray of Your Choice ($30 or less)
  • by Identifying NecroMOMicon’s Mystery, 1960s Horror Movie From Ep. 008

If you won a prize, email your address to with “Contest” and the prize you won in the subject line. Thanks!

[ 07:40:06 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movies

Hillwalkers (2022)
Jay of the Dead = 6.5 ( Stream on Tubi TV )

2022 Horror Movie Hillwalkers

[ 07:49:10 ] – A ’70s, ’80s or ’90s HORROR MOVIE THAT MIGHT BE NEW FOR YOU
A “Group Pick” from John Kenneth Muir’s “Horror Films of the 1970s”

The Brotherhood of Satan (1971)
Dr. Shock = 8.5 ( Rental )
Gillman Joel = 7.5 ( Rental )
Mister Watson = 7.5 ( Rental )
Jay of the Dead = 4 ( Avoid )

The Brotherhood of Satan 1971 movie coverJohn Kenneth Muir Horror Movies of the 1970s book cover

[ 08:39:54 ] — For your listening pleasure and some 8.5-level entertainment, just 1 minute of driving (without any talking) inserted here.

[ 08:41:21 ] – THE FINAL CUT:One for the Road

Pig Hunt (2008) with guest Spawn of the Dead
Spawn of the Dead = 7.5 ( Buy it! )
Jay of the Dead = 8 ( Buy it! )

Pig Hunt 2008 movie cover

— Spawn of the Dead watches “Paranormal Activity” (2009) and “REC” (2007)
— “Boar” (2019), “Razorback” (1984)

– Coming up next in Episode 010 (releasing on May 25), we’ll bring you reviews of The Sadness (2022), The Innocents (2022), Monstrous (2022), Firestarter (2022), Men (2022), The Aviary (2022) and a battle over the awesomeness of Alien: Resurrection (1997).
— Don’t forget to check out Geek Cast Ry and Seed’s Recast Cast on Soundcloud!

Note: All prize contest give-aways are only for those who are at least 18 year of age or older — AND — live in the United States.

Special thanks to website developer Jaxon Carroll and graphic designer Trump Widdop for their excellent work in helping Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies to have a nice, new website. Thank you! And big shout-out and thanks to Mister Watson and his son, Skylarr, for composing the music for Mister Watson’s Horror Hierarchy segment.

Coming Up Next in Episode 010: Reviews of 2022 Horror films, such as Firestarter, The Sadness, Hatching, The Innocents, Monstrous, Men and The Aviary, just to name a few!


Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES podcast links:
Voicemail: (801) 899-9798
Twitter: @HorrorAvengers
Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Subscribe via Spotify
Subscribe via Google Podcasts
Subscribe via Deezer
Subscribe via Stitcher

The soundtrack music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies is composed and performed by musicians Fred Ingram; Nate Johnivan; Mister Watson and his son, Skylarr; and Jason Pyles himself. Please support our talented musician friends by checking out more of Nate and Fred’s links below:

Links for musician Frederick Ingram:
Frederick Ingram’s new album Initial Exposure (includes “Voltairine,” the theme music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies)
Frederick Ingram’s YouTube Music Channel
Listen to Frederick Ingram on SoundCloud
YouTube Music Video: “Voltairine” by Frederick Ingram (the theme music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies)
Interview: Hear Fred Ingram on Jay’s Songwriting Podcast
Frederick Ingram’s Fish Bowl (Funky Margarita Mix)

Links for musician Nate Johnivan:
Spotify Playlist
Quarantine Dream iii

Links and Contact Info for Count Mackula:
Email Mackula here:
Filmography Page: Mack Robins on IMDb
Mack’s short film: Unseen
Mackula’s YouTube Channel
Mack’s Other Podcast: Considering the – The episodes that feature Mack!
On Twitter: @RobinsMack
On Instagram: @RobinsMack

Links and Contact Info for GregaMortis:
Podcast: Land of the Creeps
Instagram: LotC
Facebook: Greg Morgan
Twitter: GregaMortis
LotC Group Page
LotC Fan Page
YouTube: Greg Morgan
Greg’s Instagram: GregaMortis
LotC Hotline Phone Number: 1-804-569-5682 | 1-804-569-LOTC

Links for Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop:
Email Dr. Bishop here:
Dr. Walking Dead’s Bio Page
Book: American Zombie Gothic
Book: How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture
— Kyle’s Amazon Author Profile
Doc of the Dead zombie culture documentary
— Kyle’s defunct Twitter: @DrWalkingDead
Learn more about Dr. Walking Dead
Faculty Friday: Meet Dr. Kyle Bishop, English
– TEDx SUU Talk on YouTube: Why Zombies Matter
– YouTube: Zombies: An idea worth spreading about how ideas spread
– YouTube: 50+ Shades of Gothic: Zombies, Bodies and Boundaries
– YouTube: Why zombie culture is so popular?

Links for Mister Watson:
Podcast: Horror Movie Weekly
Twitter: @WatZeeParty
Podcast: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
Facebook: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show / Horror Corridor

Links for Gillman Joel:
Retro Movie Geek Podcast
Terror on the Tube
Werewolf The TV Series, The Podcast
Forgotten Flix
The Booth at the End Podcast
Gillman Joel’s short film: “Shadows of the Dead”

Links for Dr. Shock:
The DVD Infatuation Podcast (monthly)
Land of the Creeps horror podcast
The Illustrated Fan
Horror Movie Podcast
Film blog: DVD
On Twitter: @DVDinfatuation
On Facebook: DVDinfatuation
Land of the Creeps Facebook: LotC Facebook Group
On Instagram: @dbjb6972
On Letterboxd: @dcoshockhmp
YouTube: Dr. Shock’s Channel

Links for Jay of the Dead:
Horror Movie
Considering the
Movie Podcast
HMW Twitter: @horror_weekly
CTC Twitter: @ConsiderCinema

Thank you for listening to Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies, The Gold Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts.


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Libby Roach
Libby Roach
2 years ago

Another excellent episode here, all! Shouldn’t we just call them what they really are- epicsodes! I even find myself taking notes about movies to see, movies to miss, and seen missed sweet undertones of notice.

Mister Watson, I loved your segment on The New French Extremity, a subgenre encompassing some of the most brutal watchings of film across the board. I love this collection of film, and thought your list was excellent! I have always thought of them as locked within an era, the early aughts, but really liked that you included much newer titles, “RAW” and “Titane”, in your list, and made me rethink my own understanding of the movement. I love that!

I thought I would include my own list of favorites, as I can’t seem to pass up a list op… I do love a list, so naturally I extra love your listy list section in each episode.

My Top 5 New French Extremity films:
1) Martyrs (2008)
2) Ils (Them, 2006)
3) Inside (2007)
4) RAW (2016)
5) High Tension (Switchblade Romance, 2003)

*Honorable Mentions: Cache (2005), Revenge (2017), Titane (2021), Trouble Everyday (2001)

Also, since you mentioned “Ils” in your coverage of the genre, I wanted to add a few reasons why I love that film. I previously left my review for “Ils” in the “Home Invasion” segment of It Could Happen To You from Episode 7. Sorry to anyone reading it a second time.

I was so excited to hear that you covered “Ils” here. I haven’t heard it get a whole lot of press play anywhere, so was happy you reviewed it for your “It Could Happen To You” segment.

I just wanted to add a couple of thoughts to consider about “Ils” (“Them”, 2006). This one is definitely for the arthouse horror movie people out there. If you’re into that, I think this one will not disappoint.

This film has a strong writer/director team of David Moreau and Xavier Palud, and is carried with a stellar performance by its lead, Olivia Bonamy. I found her to be believable and charming, and was sympathetically rooting for her throughout the run of the film.

The directors kept a good pace going as well, which is cool given the primarily single location, simple premise, and small cast. One aspect that I thought was pretty effective was that the last hour of the movie is shot in real time so we feel every moment along with the characters. There is no later that night, or cutting to the next day, kind of scenes. No tension breaks for the viewer. For me it added a unique way of acheiving that sense of reality that I’m always looking for in horror movies.

Is it even horror?? I say yes, and what it may lack in gore, it fully makes up for as a strong little suspense film. This one could perfectly serve the role of segway-to-horror for your unsure friends, and might even impress seasoned horror fan professionals with it’s realistic style and suspenseful sections.
Maybe it’s because my dog’s nickname is “Ils”. Maybe it’s because it’s in French/Romanian, and subtitles make me feel smart. Maybe it’s my demographic because Home Invasion films are some of the scariest out there to me, as typically realistic allegorical representations revealing the weaknesses in the systems we have put in place to feel safe in the world. Maybe it’s just ‘them’. I don’t know, but this little indie thriller really works for me. If you allow yourself to get into the story, “Them” is a solid contribution to the Home Invasion subgenre, with great performances and a terrifyingly stark message reveal in the 3rd act.
I saw this in the movie theater when it came out, which I guess was kind of lucky because apparently it only opened in 5 theaters across the United States. I went in completely blind, and didn’t know what kind of movie I was in for, ghosts, serial killer, slasher, or what. I was pleasantly surprised how the story unfolds, and can see its direct influence on some later releasing, bigger budget, movies. I give “Ils” (“Them”, 2006) a 9 outta 10, with a strong rental recommendation for any arthouse horror lovers that missed this underrated gem. Again I appreciate you covering it here and giving it some air time!

Here is a list of my favorite Home Invasion movies (not ranked):
– Funny Games (1997, 2007)
– Kidnapped (2010)
– High Tension (2003)
– Inside (2007)
– Ils (2006)
– Straw Dogs (1971)
– The Strangers (2008)
– When a Stranger Calls (1979)
– Hush (2016)

Libby Roach
Libby Roach
Reply to  Libby Roach
2 years ago

Also, for you Jay, “wiener”

Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
2 years ago

Guys!! OMG!! Shape of Horror is in ‘Dawn of the Dead’!

Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
2 years ago

Hey Guys, reminding this is the centennial year of ‘Nosferatu’.

Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
Reply to  Kaiju Nick
2 years ago

This is a super important thing if you care about horror, guys. I’d love to hear a Dr. Walking Dead segment contemplating the meaning of ‘Nosferatu’ and the century–100yrs!!!–of vampire movies since. That would be very nice.

Dr Walking Dead
Dr Walking Dead
2 years ago

Oh man! You guys are killing it with all the zombie coverage. I feel like a total poser and schmuck!


Slow zombies rock.

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
Reply to  Dr Walking Dead
2 years ago

Dr. Bishop, I made CERTAIN to point out my appreciation for slow zombies to the extent that they are cinematically awesome and beautiful as a metaphor. I just don’t want to run into any fast zombies in real life because I’m currently insecure about my cardio! 😉

James McManis
James McManis
2 years ago

Back for more fun in the comments section!

Count Mackula, you’re the perfect “heel” Horror Avenger.
Let me start by saying that I love your Reviews in Black and White, particularly because we have such different tastes.

I, like many, absolutely dug The Lighthouse (not this episode, I know, but sorry not sorry!). And I may not go so far as to call it true horror, but it’s certainly workplace/blue collar horror. (Feel free to use this for a new horror sub genre.)
I worked a union job for a railroad that always ran two man crews. And as a young buck, my seniority was not high, which meant a ton of night shifts. This also meant working with a ton of weird characters. At the risk of sounding long-winded (too late), let’s just say that The Lighthouse hits a bit closer to home when it’s 3 a/m, you’ve still got 50 cars to switch, and you begin to wonder if your co-worker’s sanity is becoming frayed…Weird stuff happens at work during the witching hour.

Marvel: Why do you have to throw my man Hawkeye under the bus, and then back it up over his bow hand?? You know why Hawkeye is great? He’s just a dad with a bow who wants to do the right thing. Moreover, among a team of earth-shattering, Sekovia-city dropping ragamuffins, what’s Hawkeye’s gift? He never misses. No innocent civilians fall at the hands of Hawkeye thanks to his perfect aim. He wasn’t present for any of the collateral damage sustained by more reckless Avengers (Scarlet Witch, The Hulk, etc.).

Give me an undersized but over-confident hero with 0 friendly-fire incidents on his rap sheet any day of the week. Hawkeye is the perfect Avenger because he claims no innocents, and every bad guy he takes out he does so deliberately, and with perfect precision. You can’t write them better than that.

It’s all love though, and I truly do appreciate your reviews, point of view, and can’t wait to see which films are next on the docket. Appreciate you and all of the Horror Avengers!

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
Reply to  James McManis
2 years ago

I want you to know that I appreciate the hell out of this comment, sir! As a fella who has worked a night shift or two over the years… and as a rather “undersized but over-confident hero with 0 friendly-fire incidents” myself… I dig where you’re coming from, man. Thanks so much for listening!

Pastor Matt
Pastor Matt
2 years ago

And I bought The Brotherhood of Satan blu-ray from Arrow (which is currently 50% off at Amazon) and I’m going to dig out my DVD of The Dorm That Dripped Blood and I’m also utilizing a stop watch!

Pastor Matt
Pastor Matt
2 years ago

BTW, in re: to Noah. It was after the flood that Noah got drunk and naked like a hillbilly on vacation.

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
Reply to  Pastor Matt
2 years ago

I was going to make a joke on the show that it was on the deck of the ark, but Dave kinda made a better joke, so I backed off. Thanks for listening to us do what we do, Pastor. You rock!

Dark Passenger
Dark Passenger
2 years ago

Wiener! lol

Last edited 2 years ago by Dark Passenger
Mister Watson
Mister Watson
Reply to  Dark Passenger
2 years ago


midnight cult movie watcher
midnight cult movie watcher
2 years ago

Great episode!!

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
Reply to  midnight cult movie watcher
2 years ago

You are correct! LOL!

Real talk… the amount of work that goes into these shows blows me away. Jay and the boys bring so much to the community. I’m happy to ride on their coattails, man!

James McManis
James McManis
2 years ago

Wow, what a jam-packed episode. I felt nearly compelled to take notes so I could appropriately sort my comments.
The Shining/Doctor Sleep: I loved Mr. Watson’s question regarding the difference between the film and the book adaptations of Jack Torrance. I’m an avid King reader, and yet Stanley Kubrick’s film stands above King’s novel for me as my preferred Shining interpretation. I love the madness of Jack Nicholson, and the meticulous care that Kubrick put into the film. I’ve never revisited reading King’s novel, but I watch The Shining at least once a year.

I once saw King in an interview when asked about Kubrick’s interpretation, the different endings, and he said that he felt it was a difference between warmth and cold, fire and ice. Kubrick told a “cold tale”, and therefore ended the film in a frosty manner. He said that his readers associate him with warmth, hence the way in which he ended the novel. (No spoilers, but if you know, you know.) This BBC Interview of King gets to that idea, although it’s not the one I had in mind when I was thinking of this idea.

PS: Congrats on your Toyota Yaris, Mr. Watson. I hope you’re enjoying the 40-miles-per gallon in this economy. Those little cars kick ass.

Great episode, everyone!

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
Reply to  James McManis
2 years ago

James, thanks a TON for this comment, homie! I have an unpopular take in that I tend to prefer the King novels over the films, and this is true even in the case of The Shining… and especially Doctor Sleep. I love both films… and while Dr. Bishop fielded my question with all the expertise of the genius that he is… I still feel shortchanged (by the films) because the films rob Jack of his redemption as a father. The books promote a narrative that indicates that it was INEVITABLE that Jack would be a part of the evil at The Overlook, but I prefer the idea that he fought it at every turn and… in the very end… won out even after all the bad shit. Maybe, like King, I’m working through my own issues! LOL! Your take on the films is brilliant, though, dude. I feel ya!

And bro! My Toyota Yaris does the job! Thank you for understanding this! You ROCK!

When Jay comes to visit me, I’m going to pick him up in the Yaris… and then take him on a ride on my badass motorcycle! Wait… maybe not.

James McManis
James McManis
Reply to  Mister Watson
2 years ago

Hahaha, I love it. Don’t knock a ride in the Yaris until you’ve tried it, right??
And I absolutely get where you’re coming from w/ Jack Torrance. More often than not, I prefer King’s novels to his film adaptations, but the Shining is the exception to the rule for me.
It’s not horror per se, but my “under the radar” King recommendation for anyone and everyone that hasn’t seen it is 11/22/63. It’s on Hulu, and was a bit under the radar, but a brilliant mini-series nonetheless. Thanks for all the great content, love the show.

Pastor Matt
Pastor Matt
2 years ago

Please let Mac know that I will fly to Utah and book a conference room for my 15 hour lecture on why “Night of the Living Dead” is awesome!

Dr Walking Dead
Dr Walking Dead
Reply to  Pastor Matt
2 years ago

Count me in!

Mister Watson
Mister Watson
Reply to  Dr Walking Dead
2 years ago

I will also attend. That Mack sure is a troublemaker!

Jon Cohorn
Jon Cohorn
2 years ago

Folks, this was an epic listen that took me a few sessions to get through, but great stuff! I’ve had a challenging month between a serious car wreck and an unexpected health scare, so this was just what the (proverbial) doctor ordered to get my mind off things.

I’ll admit that I was disappointed with both The Cellar and The Twin. Both movies had elements that I liked but never seemed to gel, and the ending of The Twin was bad enough to be insulting to the viewer. One Shudder exclusive that I was *not* disappointed in was The Sadness – but that film definitely won’t be for everyone.

I had forgotten that there was a sequel to Wyrmwood coming. The first was a bit of an oddity that I had a lot of fun with. I remember hearing some time back about the TV series that evidently never got off the ground. I’ll have to give the sequel film a watch sometime soon.

I’ve gotta give Mackula some credit this episode too. Initially I was in disagreement with his take on Night of the Living Dead. But his later discussion about how and when you see films having such an influence on your feelings about them was right on the money. Night of the Living Dead was literally the first unedited horror movie I ever saw, at a birthday party sleepover in the early 80s when I was not quite eight years old, so it has always stuck with me. Maybe these kudos will balance out some of my response to his review of The Lighthouse… and maybe he’ll give that film a second chance in a better viewing environment too.

Thanks gents!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jon Cohorn
Mister Watson
Mister Watson
Reply to  Jon Cohorn
2 years ago

Excellent comment, good sir! I am sincerely sorry to hear about your car wreck and health scare! I hope you’re doing well, and I absolutely mean that, Jon.

Sounds like I liked The Cellar a little more than you did, but you and I are in FULL agreement about two things:

  1. The ending to The Twin is TRAAAAASH!
  2. The Sadness RULES!

As far as Count Mackula goes… I love his unique approach to horror films, and I love his unpopular opinions most of all. He’s not afraid to tip a sacred cow, and the single best part about that is that he does so in GOOD FAITH. He’s not a rage-critic or someone who wants attention by giving crazy hot takes. He’s just a sincere dude looking at the movies he’s watching with honesty. I love that. Sounds like you understand that, though, so what am I going on about?

Brother, take care of yourself! Much love.

Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
2 years ago

MST3K episode 0407–Killer Shrews! It’s a Joel episode. This movie goes down way better with Joel and the bots.

Kaiju Nick
Kaiju Nick
2 years ago

‘The She-Creature’ is MST3K episode 808 (a Mike episode). Many listeners, like myself, will enjoy this gem even more with Mike & the bots.