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Witness the Evolution of Horror Podcasting here in Episode 012 of Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies. We know some listeners love our lengthy, “Monster Episodes” that are 8 and 9 hours long. But we have also heard the listeners who would prefer to have shorter podcast episodes, as well. So, we’re going to bring you both — shorter shows and some longer ones. In this “history in the making episode,” Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson and GregaMortis welcome special guest and Horror podcasting icon, DAVE ZEE, of The Exploding Heads Horror Movie Podcast and The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show to help us Feature Review Jordan Peele’s Nope (2022).
Rest assured, we begin this review WITH NO SPOILERS! Then we give you our ratings and recommendations. Then we give you a warning before going into a full-blown spoiler section! You can see all of these time stamps in the show notes below, but we also provide ample warning during the episode itself. We also bring you Dave Zee’s remarkable, dead-on Joe Pesci impersonations. Dr. Shock shares some very exciting news! Jay of the Dead discusses all the positive and exciting improvements that are coming to this podcast. We receive some Listener Feedback from Darin in Northern California. And we hope you’ll join us for this legendary episode. It’s only about 2 hours long!
Be sure to subscribe to Jay of the Dead’s new Horror movie podcast on:
You are welcome to email our show at HauntingYourHeadphones@gmail.com, or call and leave us a voicemail at (801) 899-9798. You can also follow Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies on Twitter: @HorrorAvengers
Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies is an audio podcast with seven experienced Horror hosts who review new Horror movies and deliver specialty Horror segments. Your hosts are Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson, Dr. Walking Dead, GregaMortis and Mackula! Due to the large number and busy schedule of its seven Horror hosts, typically Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies will be recorded in segments, piecemeal, at various times and recording sessions. But this particular episode was all recorded in one sitting on July 24, 2022.
– Introduction
- Welcome to Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, Episode 012
- Hosts who are present: Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson and eventually GregaMortis
- Welcome to special guest Dave Zee!
- Dr. Shock has an exciting announcement
- Great improvements to JOTD’s NHM: Shorter shows, more frequent releases
- Dr. Walking Dead’s solocast releases Wednesday!
[ 00:32:47 ] – FEATURE REVIEW: New Release 2022 Horror Movie
Dave Zee = 8.5 ( Theater / Buy it! )
Gillman Joel = 7 ( Theater / Strong Rental )
Mister Watson = 8.5 ( Theater / Strong Rental )
Jay of the Dead = 8.5 ( Theater / Buy it! )
Dr. Shock = 9 ( Theater / Buy it! )
GregaMortis = 8.5 ( Theater / Buy it! )

[ 01:09:03 ] – Nope (2022) (SPOILERS)
[ 01:40:33 ] – Listener Feedback
– Regarding an upcoming voicemail from Ian Irza
– Email: Darin in Northern California recommends “Nightmare in Blood” (1977) for Gillman Joel’s Horror Lagoon
[ 01:43:48 ] – Horror Trailer Talk
– Halloween Ends (2022) – release date: Oct. 14, 2022
– BEAST (2022) – release date: Aug. 19, 2022
– Scott Mann’s Fall (2022) – release date: Aug. 12, 2022
[ 01:51:38 ] – Wrap-Up / Outro / Plugs:
– Check out an episode of Mister Watson’s old solocast HORROR CORRIDOR on YouTube!
Special thanks to website developer Jaxon Carroll and graphic designer Trump Widdop for their excellent work in helping Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies to have a nice, new website. Thank you! And big shout-out and thanks to Mister Watson and his son, Skylarr, for composing the music for Mister Watson’s Horror Hierarchy segment.
Be sure to catch up with Dave Zee here:
– The Exploding Heads Horror Movie Podcast
– Exploding Heads on Patreon
– The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES podcast links:
Email: HauntingYourHeadphones@gmail.com
Voicemail: (801) 899-9798
Twitter: @HorrorAvengers
Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Subscribe via Spotify
Subscribe via Google Podcasts
Subscribe via Deezer
Subscribe via Stitcher
The soundtrack music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies is composed and performed by musicians Fred Ingram; Nate Johnivan; Mister Watson and his son, Skylarr; and Jason Pyles himself. Please support our talented musician friends by checking out more of Nate and Fred’s links below:
Links for musician Frederick Ingram:
Website: FrederickIngram.com
Frederick Ingram’s new album Initial Exposure (includes “Voltairine,” the theme music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies)
Frederick Ingram’s YouTube Music Channel
Listen to Frederick Ingram on SoundCloud
YouTube Music Video: “Voltairine” by Frederick Ingram (the theme music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies)
Interview: Hear Fred Ingram on Jay’s Songwriting Podcast
Frederick Ingram’s Fish Bowl (Funky Margarita Mix)
Links for musician Nate Johnivan:
Spotify Playlist
Quarantine Dream iii
Links and Contact Info for Count Mackula:
Email Mackula here: HauntingYourHeadphones@gmail.com
Filmography Page: Mack Robins on IMDb
Mack’s short film: Unseen
Mackula’s YouTube Channel
Mack’s Other Podcast: Considering the Cinema.com – The episodes that feature Mack!
On Twitter: @RobinsMack
On Instagram: @RobinsMack
Links and Contact Info for GregaMortis:
Podcast: Land of the Creeps
Instagram: LotC
Facebook: Greg Morgan
Twitter: GregaMortis
LotC Group Page
LotC Fan Page
YouTube: Greg Morgan
Greg’s Instagram: GregaMortis
Email: GregaMortis666@gmail.com
LotC Hotline Phone Number: 1-804-569-5682 | 1-804-569-LOTC
Links for Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop:
Email Dr. Bishop here: bishopk@suu.edu
Dr. Walking Dead’s Bio Page
Book: American Zombie Gothic
Book: How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture
— Kyle’s Amazon Author Profile
— Doc of the Dead zombie culture documentary
— Kyle’s re-animated Twitter: @DrWalkingDead
– Learn more about Dr. Walking Dead
– Faculty Friday: Meet Dr. Kyle Bishop, English
– TEDx SUU Talk on YouTube: Why Zombies Matter
– YouTube: Zombies: An idea worth spreading about how ideas spread
– YouTube: 50+ Shades of Gothic: Zombies, Bodies and Boundaries
– YouTube: Why zombie culture is so popular?
Links for Mister Watson:
Podcast: Horror Movie Weekly
Twitter: @WatZeeParty
Podcast: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
Facebook: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show / Horror Corridor
Links for Gillman Joel:
Retro Movie Geek Podcast
Terror on the Tube
Werewolf The TV Series, The Podcast
Forgotten Flix
The Booth at the End Podcast
Gillman Joel’s short film: “Shadows of the Dead”
Links for Dr. Shock:
The DVD Infatuation Podcast (monthly)
Land of the Creeps horror podcast
The Illustrated Fan
Horror Movie Podcast
Film blog: DVD Infatuation.com
On Twitter: @DVDinfatuation
On Facebook: DVDinfatuation
Land of the Creeps Facebook: LotC Facebook Group
On Instagram: @dbjb6972
On Letterboxd: @dcoshockhmp
YouTube: Dr. Shock’s Channel
Links for Jay of the Dead:
Horror Movie Weekly.com
Considering the Cinema.com
Movie Podcast Weekly.com
HMW Twitter: @horror_weekly
CTC Twitter: @ConsiderCinema
Thank you for listening to Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies, The Gold Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts.
Great episode! Enjoy all the content. Long and short!
I just saw Nope last night and I loved it! ***SPOILERS BELOW***
Nope seemed to have a lot to say about making movies, watching movies, and in general, the media we consume… that may consume us. As a giant alien? That TV show definitely is awful and I think that’s on purpose. People remembered the show for it’s terrible tragedy, exploited it, and even got off on it? TMZ comes by on a motorcycle and is immediately killed. The mesmerizing square vagina that keeps unfolding looks like an ASMR video sucking in viewers. The first thing Em Haywood wants to do is capture the “UFO” on surveillance cameras and be on talk shows. There’s the live western show that destroys all who watch.
Besides media consumption I like how the characters represent different parts of movie making. The Haywood family (great name) has been part the unsung crew in filming for years. There’s a dude from Fry’s who knows how to set up and work all of the digital camera’s. There’s an expert lauded filmmaker who will give his life for a good shot. There’s an actor who went through a tragedy on set and never really recovered as well as another actor who became disfigured and lost her career as an actor. There’s an aspiring actor/singer/director whose side job is helping her brother with the horses. There are animal actors and one horse looses the gig and gets replaced with a green screen horse. I also loved the use of the hand crank camera and the camera in the well which was the only technology that would work to capture the alien.
Daniel Kaluuya was so good as OJ Haywood. His subtle performance showed how uninterested he was in the glitz of media. He mostly kept his head down and did his work, which he reminded us of a few times in the movie. He often didn’t make eye contact and “consume” what others were watching. His father died as a coin (money) went through his eye. OJ’s social awkwardness or uninterest was his super power in the end. He is the one who knows it’s not a ship. He’s the one who rides in on a horse at the end of the western as our hero. Also, a black horse and black man taking the hero role in a western genre was great to see. He was also coping with the grief of his father and trying to maintain the family legacy.
Even with all of that said, I think one of the strengths of Peele’s latest film is that it works just as a fun and creative alien movie. You don’t need to delve deeper into it to enjoy it (I’m looking at you Us). It’s enjoyable even if you don’t plan to see it again. I am definitely planning to watch it more times, though. I tried to leave my analytical brain at the door and just enjoy it. Though I did see some antlers hung just inside a door and caught that reference to Get Out. I’m sure there were may more references to his movies and other horror and western movies.
Oh yea, the shoe. I love whatever the shoe is and that people will be discussing it and interpreting it all different ways. I can’t wait to see what others have to say. I found it interesting that during the horrific sitcom death scene, where many humans have been beaten to death by a monkey, we the viewers and a young traumatized actor are transfixed on a shoe that stands vertically.
Keep up the good podcasting all!
This is so great!! Fun episode here, and happy for more listening! I’m all for you finding that sweet spot where you don’t feel too overwhelmed getting your content out here. We appreciate all of your hard work!
Happy to hear HMW is coming back, too! I was afraid I would become the ghost that waits… haha. Thanks for another awesome episode.
All these intertwining shows is starting to feel like its own little Talking Dead Universe. I’m here for it, and love it!
I saw “Nope” over the weekend, and it’s 3 for 3 for me also with Jordan Peele films. I think the reviews here hit it perfectly. For me, while not as scary as I had hoped, it is still a fantastic story told expertly. I’ll watch anything he makes.
Thanks for covering it! You guys are the best! Great to hear Dave Zee joining the shownanigans over here, too!
I had to pause before nope review as we are seeing it tomorrow. So can’t wait to get to rest of the episode. And guys plz. Don’t misuse the bailer
Hey Guys, is Horror Movie Weekly dead? That was such a great podcast, great hosts. I guess if it’s time it’s time, but it’s a real shame to see it go. You guys made something special there.
No way! Not a chance. Horror Movie Weekly will resume on Sunday, Aug. 7. : ) Thanks for asking! -J
I remember listening to you guys on a road trip in October 2019: Jay, Billchette, and the Lady Phantom chatting about horror on a Halloween while I’m blasting across the interstate HWY in the ol’ Honda Civic, a really great memory!
May I disagree with the emailer. I enjoy the occasional drunken review myself. Just saying lol. I get a kick outta it so keep doing you Watson and Dave !
I agree.