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HAPPY HALLOWEEN from Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies! Here in Episode 022, we bring you an in-depth review of Hulu’s Hellraiser (2022), Who Invited Them (2022), as well as Mister Watson and GregaMortis’s take on Terrifier 2 (2022) and Mackula’s take on Monstrous (2022)! This episode also features the following Specialty Segments: GregaMortis’s Monsters on the Mantle: The Killer Shrews (1959), Dr. Shock’s Macabre Film History: Karyn Kupcinet, and The Dead Zone With Dr. Walking Dead: Dracula (1931) vs. Horror of Dracula (1958). But those are just things… here is how this episode will feel: We take some time to reminisce and stroll down memory lane to discuss some games of the Atari 2600 and our aversion to opossums. Dr. Bishop provides his critiques of the 21st century’s remakes of iconic Horror films. We also learn that Dave Zee has “an Illustrious 54,” which are 54 Horror films that he rates a 10 out of 10. And of course, we discuss the right time to say “I love you” in the process of “bringin’ on the lovin'” — Join us!
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You are welcome to email our show at HauntingYourHeadphones@gmail.com, or call and leave us a voicemail at (801) 899-9798. You can also follow Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies on Twitter: @HorrorAvengers
Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies is an audio podcast. Our nine experienced Horror hosts review new Horror movies and deliver specialty Horror segments. Your hosts are Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson, Dr. Walking Dead, GregaMortis, Mackula, Ron Martin and Dave Zee! Due to the large number and busy schedule of its nine Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies will be recorded in segments, piecemeal, at various times and recording sessions. Therefore, as you listen to our episodes, you will notice a variety of revolving door hosts and segments, all sewn together and reanimated like the powerful Monster of Dr. Frankenstein!
Note: This episode was recorded in September and October 2022, and it was released on October 12, 2022.
SHOW NOTES for Episode 022
– Introduction by Jay of the Dead
- Welcome to Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, Episode 022
- Agenda for this episode
-Present for this segment: GregaMortis, Jay of the Dead
Specialty Segment
GregaMortis’s Monsters on the Mantle
[ 00:01:50 ] – The Killer Shrews (1959)
GregaMortis = ( See it / Buy it! )

Teaser and Hints: The next Monsters on the Mantle film is from 1957, starring Tim Holt. Tagline: “Distinctly chilling… So real that it’s nearly incredible!”
[ 00:31:58 ] – Special Thanks:
– GregaMortis, Gillman Joel, Dave Zee and Ron Martin thank Milissa James for her magnificent Horror statues
-Present for this review: Jay of the Dead, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson, GregaMortis, Ron Martin, Dave Zee
[ 00:36:07 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movie
– A few preliminary thoughts about the overall Hellraiser franchise thus far
[ 00:52:20 ] – Hellraiser (2022)
Ron Martin = 5 ( Rental )
Gillman Joel = 8 ( Buy it! )
GregaMortis = 9 ( Buy it! )
The Twisted Temptress = 8 ( Buy it! )
Dave Zee = 9 ( Buy it! )
Mister Watson = 8.5 ( Buy it! )
Jay of the Dead = 6.5 ( Rental )

-Present for this review: Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop, Jay of the Dead
[ 01:44:07 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movie
Hellraiser (2022)
Dr. Walking Dead = 6 ( Stream on Hulu )

-Present for this segment: Dr. Shock, Jay of the Dead
Specialty Segment
Dr. Shock’s Macabre Film History
[ 01:58:27 ] – The Conspiratorial and Mysterious Murder of Karyn Kupcinet
– Bonus: A few thoughts about the suspicious death of Natalie Wood
– Sci-Fi Thriller Movie Recommendation: Brainstorm (1983)
-Present for this review: Mister Watson, Dave Zee, Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Dr. Walking Dead
[ 02:17:53 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movie
Who Invited Them (2022)
Mister Watson = 7 ( Stream on Shudder )
Dave Zee = 7.5 ( Stream on Shudder )

-Present for this review: GregaMortis, Mister Watson, Jay of the Dead
[ 02:37:11 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movie
Terrifier 2 (2022)
Mister Watson = 9 ( Theater / Buy it! )
GregaMortis = 9.5 ( Theater / Buy it! )
The Twisted Temptress = 8.5 ( Theater / Buy it! )

-Present for this review: Mackula, Ron Martin, Jay of the Dead
[ 02:57:29 ] – New Release 2022 Horror Movie
Monstrous (2022)
Mackula = 7.8 ( Rental )

– Note: Mister Watson and Jay of the Dead have also reviewed “Monstrous” (2022) here in Ep. 011.
[ 03:12:41 ] – Dr. Walking Dead answers a Twitter question regarding “World War Z” (2013). You can contact Dr. Bishop via Twitter @DrWalkingDead
Specialty Segment
The Dead Zone with Dr. Walking Dead
[ 03:20:05 ] – Dracula (1931) – Universal
Dr. Walking Dead = 6 ( Rental )

[ 03:32:24 ] – Horror of Dracula (1958) – Hammer
Dr. Walking Dead = 8 ( Strong Rental )

Dr. Bishop’s Verdict for Universal vs. Hammer Draculas
– Production Value = Hammer
– Castle = Universal
– Dracula Portrayal = Hammer’s Christopher Lee
– Adaptation Faithfulness = Universal
– Horror Scare Factor = Hammer
– Gore Factor = Hammer
– Death Scene = Hammer
Dr. Walking Dead’s WINNER: Hammer’s Dracula
Next time on The Dead Zone: The Mummy (1932) vs. The Mummy (1959)
Coming soon on The Dead Zone: Frankenstein (1931) vs. The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)
Contact Dr. Bishop: bishopk@suu.edu
Kyle’s Book: American Zombie Gothic
Another Kyle Book: How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture
Documentary featuring Dr. Walking Dead: Doc of the Dead (2014)
Kyle on Twitter: @DrWalkingDead
[ 03:51:32 ] – Pre-Wrap:
– Gillman Joel’s Spooky Flix Fest 2022 – Pumpkin Cinema
Note: All prize contest give-aways are only for those who are at least 18 year of age or older — AND — live in the United States. If you won a prize, email your address to HauntingYourHeadphones@gmail.com with “Contest” and the prize you won in the subject line.
Special thanks to website developer Jaxon Carroll and graphic designer Trump Widdop for their excellent work in helping Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies to have a nice, new website. Thank you! And big shout-out and thanks to Mister Watson and his son, Skylarr, for composing the music for Mister Watson’s Horror Hierarchy segment.
Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES podcast links:
Email: HauntingYourHeadphones@gmail.com
Voicemail: (801) 899-9798
Twitter: @HorrorAvengers
Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Subscribe via Spotify
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Subscribe via Stitcher
The soundtrack music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies is composed and performed by musicians Fred Ingram; Nate Johnivan; Mister Watson and his son, Skylarr; and Jason Pyles himself. Please support our talented musician friends by checking out more of Nate and Fred’s links below:
Links for musician Frederick Ingram:
Website: FrederickIngram.com
Frederick Ingram’s new album Initial Exposure (includes “Voltairine,” the theme music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies)
Frederick Ingram’s YouTube Music Channel
Listen to Frederick Ingram on SoundCloud
YouTube Music Video: “Voltairine” by Frederick Ingram (the theme music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies)
Interview: Hear Fred Ingram on Jay’s Songwriting Podcast
Frederick Ingram’s Fish Bowl (Funky Margarita Mix)
Links for musician Nate Johnivan:
Spotify Playlist
Quarantine Dream iii
Links for Dave Zee:
On Apple Podcasts: Exploding Heads Horror Movie Podcast
On Facebook: Exploding Heads Horror Movie Podcast
Patreon: Exploding Heads Horror Movie Podcast
On YouTube: Exploding Heads
Exploding Heads on Twitter: @HeadsHorror
With Watson: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
Wat-Zee Twitter: @WatZeeParty
Links for Ron Martin:
Horror franchise podcast: The Resurrection of Zombie 7
Ron’s book: Discover Salem: Your Guide to the Witch City
Witches: Salem 1692 Podcast
Ron’s blog: I Hate Stuff.net
Zombie 7 on Twitter: @ResZombie7
Links and Contact Info for Count Mackula:
Email Mackula here: HauntingYourHeadphones@gmail.com
Filmography Page: Mack Robins on IMDb
Mack’s short film: Unseen
Mackula’s YouTube Channel
Mack’s Other Podcast: Considering the Cinema.com – The episodes that feature Mack!
On Twitter: @RobinsMack
On Instagram: @RobinsMack
Links and Contact Info for GregaMortis:
Podcast: Land of the Creeps
Instagram: LotC
Facebook: Greg Morgan
Twitter: GregaMortis
LotC Group Page
LotC Fan Page
YouTube: Greg Morgan
Greg’s Instagram: GregaMortis
Email: GregaMortis666@gmail.com
LotC Hotline Phone Number: 1-804-569-5682 | 1-804-569-LOTC
Links for Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop:
Email Dr. Bishop here: bishopk@suu.edu
Dr. Walking Dead’s Bio Page
Book: American Zombie Gothic
Book: How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture
— Kyle’s Amazon Author Profile
— Doc of the Dead zombie culture documentary
— Kyle’s re-animated Twitter: @DrWalkingDead
– Learn more about Dr. Walking Dead
– Faculty Friday: Meet Dr. Kyle Bishop, English
– TEDx SUU Talk on YouTube: Why Zombies Matter
– YouTube: Zombies: An idea worth spreading about how ideas spread
– YouTube: 50+ Shades of Gothic: Zombies, Bodies and Boundaries
– YouTube: Why zombie culture is so popular?
Links for Mister Watson:
Podcast: Horror Movie Weekly
Twitter: @WatZeeParty
Podcast: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show
Facebook: The Wat-Zee Party Horror Show / Horror Corridor
Links for Gillman Joel:
Retro Movie Geek Podcast
Terror on the Tube
Werewolf The TV Series, The Podcast
Forgotten Flix
The Booth at the End Podcast
Gillman Joel’s short film: “Shadows of the Dead”
Links for Dr. Shock:
The DVD Infatuation Podcast (monthly)
Land of the Creeps horror podcast
The Illustrated Fan
Horror Movie Podcast
Film blog: DVD Infatuation.com
On Twitter: @DVDinfatuation
On Facebook: DVDinfatuation
Land of the Creeps Facebook: LotC Facebook Group
On Instagram: @dbjb6972
On Letterboxd: @dcoshockhmp
YouTube: Dr. Shock’s Channel
Links for Jay of the Dead:
Horror Movie Weekly.com
Considering the Cinema.com
Movie Podcast Weekly.com
HMW Twitter: @horror_weekly
CTC Twitter: @ConsiderCinema
Thank you for listening to Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies, The Gold Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts.
One thing I love about this podcast is that we are hearing everyone’s take on the new movies, whether it’s on the same episode or, in this case with Terrifier 2, on a later episode from those who didn’t get to see it right away. Many times I’ve heard podcasters say “I’ll give my thoughts/review when I get a chance to see it”, but we never do…So I’m good job on that aspect.
I think the Vs segment Dr. Walking Dead is doing is very cool, I don’t think I’ve heard anyone put both studios head to head like he is doing.
Thanks, Graverobert! We’ve done three battles so far, and I’m thinking we need to add at least one mores 😬
“The Horror of Dracula” has a really dramatic appearance of Jay of the Dead’s ‘Shape of Horror’, one of the best! It’s the scene where Dracula is on Lucy’s patio and the roof tiles behind him are all in the shape. It’s one of the best examples I’ve seen.
In “The Curse of Frankenstein” you’ll see the shape in the wallpaper.
If Dr. Walking Dead does “The Curse of the Werewolf” you’ll see the shape in the baptism scene, another really dramatic example.
Whoa! Great eye, Kaiju Nick! I need to keep a look out for those damn hexagons.
In those Hammer Horror movies, the sets and costumes are so rich in color and texture, you’ll spot some shape of horror sooner or later.
Hey Guys!
I’ve seen all the Hellraiser movies, some are good and some are just ok. Back in the day, I skipped school to go over to a friends house to watch the first one, he had it on VHS. That movie scared the crap out of me and if there were a Hell, it would look like that. That movie started me down the Horror Movie Rabbit Hole back in 1987.That being said, I was not a fan of this new version of Hellraiser. I didn’t care for any of the characters, the Cenobites aren’t in it enough, I can tell some of the Cenobites were just wearing Bodysuits, and the story was a little all over the place. There were parts I did like, the puzzle box backstory was the best part. Which configuration would you choose? I did like the gore and a couple of scenes made me squirm. Overall, I’d give it 6 out of 10. Just watch the first two, and be glad we got those masterpieces!
I’m planning on going to Halloween Ends tonight and have very low expectations for it. Let’s hope it surprises me. So far, it hasn’t been too bad of a year for Horror, even though the pandemic did slow things down a bit. I hope things pick back up.
As I said on Land of the Creeps, Dracula is so much better with the Philip Glass score. You guys have to watch it that way. Can’t believe Dr. Walking Dead’s blasphemy (kidding)!
Loving the new series, Dr Walking Dead!
For your consideration, adding to the series, ‘The Wolf Man’ (1941) vs ‘The Curse of the Werewolf’ (1961).
I thought about it, but I’m trying to stick to “un/dead” monsters–I’m not succeeding, though! 😀 I love The Wolf Man, though, and I have yet to see The Curse of the Werewolf!
OMG! You’ve not seen ‘The Curse of the Werewolf’?!!
Oliver Reed, Dr. Walking Dead! Young Oliver Reed in his prime! He smashes it, greatest werewolf ever!
You’ve convinced me!
I’m totally up for watching the Killer Shrews again, but it’s got to be the MST3K edition, episode #407, that’s the only way I could ever watch this movie now, free on youtube right now listeners! ‘Keep circulating the tapes!’
Legendary horror heel Ron Martin would just totally choke-slam this dumb-ass movie into oblivion!
Well done, Gregamortis, the monster movie faceman!!
Really looking forward to Giant Gila Monster & Tarantula! (I just added the second movie on there).
‘The Monster That Challenged the World’ is a really great pick, guys. Actually, I ought to stop with these comments since I’m totally spoiling your future episodes! Sorry, guys!
KAIJU, I am totally planning on watching that version soon as I am sure it will give it a different flavor. As ridiculous and low budget as the movie is I still find it fun as hell and I am sure Ron can amd would rip it apart no way would that sway me from loving and hoping others will enjoy. I am one that goes in enjoying cinema so much that I try to just be entertained and if it has bad spots or moments so be it I will find something I dig about it and move on lol.
I am.alsp looking forward to a possible time with the monsters mentioned as it could be that while I am out in my adventures that I cone across one or all of those monsters.