MadS (2024) poster 1Dead Man Still WalkingMadS (2024) movie poster 2

Hey Zombie fans! Here in the 48th Edition of DEAD MAN STILL WALKING, your intrepid professor, Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop, reviews a new, zombie Horror whose title is often inexplicably styled as “MadS” (2024) around the internet, so we will perpetuate the arbitrary capitalization, as well — just like … zombies. “MadS” is written and directed by David Moreau that is ambitiously and meticulously depicted in Real Time because it was shot all in one take! Impressive! Dr. Bishop says it’s “shot like an 89-minute play.” Join us to hear what he thinks!

Note: To view ALL of Dr. Bishop’s Dead Man Still Walking solocast episodes can USE THIS LINK. And to view ALL of Dr. Bishop’s episode-by-episode commentaries on The Last of Us – Season 1, with Jay of the Dead, then USE THIS LINK.

Dead Man Still Walking is a biweekly, short-form solocast hosted by Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop, author of American Zombie Gothic and How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture. Dr. Walking Dead also presents a popular segment called The Dead Zone on regular episodes of this podcast. For his Dead Man Still Walking solocast episodes, Dr. Bishop will focus exclusively on zombie films, with the occasional exploration of zombie-related themes, zombie television, and other zombie media (e.g., comics, literature, etc.).

Dr. Bishop is an academic and professional scholar of zombie films and other zombie narratives. He has been teaching for 23 years. Dr. Bishop serves as an English professor, Film Studies professor, and he’s currently the English Department Chair at Southern Utah University.

You are welcome to reach out to Dr. Bishop with comments or questions via email:, X: @DrWalkingDead, BlueSky and Instagram (@DrWalkingDead) or by leaving him a voicemail: (801) 980-1375. You can also watch the documentary, Doc of the Dead (2014), which features Dr. Walking Dead. Find more links below for Dr. Bishop.

Be sure to subscribe to Jay of the Dead’s new Horror movie podcast on:

You are welcome to email our show at, or call and leave us a voicemail at (801) 980-1375. You can also follow Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies on X: @HorrorAvengers

Dead Man Still Walking with Dr. Kyle Bishop is brought to you by Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies, an audio Horror movie podcast. It features nine experienced Horror hosts review new Horror movies and deliver specialty Horror segments. Your hosts are Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson, Dr. Walking Dead, GregaMortis, Mackula, Ron Martin, Dave Zee and Spawn of the Dead! Due to the large number and busy schedule of its nine Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies will be recorded in segments, piecemeal, at various times and recording sessions. Therefore, as you listen to our episodes, you will notice a variety of revolving door hosts and segments, all sewn together and reanimated like the powerful Monster of Dr. Frankenstein!


[ 00:00:01 ]Introduction

  • Welcome to the 48th edition of Dead Man Still Walking with Dr. Walking Dead

– Present for this review: Dr. Walking Dead

Modern Zombie Movie:

MadS (2024)
Dr. Walking Dead = 7 ( High-priority Stream on Shudder )

MadS (2024) Movie Poster

Next time for the 49th edition: Back to the 1970s with I Drink Your Blood (1971) and I Eat Your Skin (1971)

Special thanks to website developer Jaxon Carroll and graphic designer Trump Widdop for their excellent work in helping Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies to have a nice, new website. Thank you! And big shout-out and thanks to Mister Watson and his son, Skylarr, for composing the music for Mister Watson’s Horror Hierarchy segment.


Dr. Bishop says check out LotC Ep. 384

Links for Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop:
Follow Dr. Walking Dead on Letterbox’d
Email Dr. Bishop here:
Dr. Walking Dead’s Bio Page
Book: American Zombie Gothic
Book: How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture
— Kyle’s Amazon Author Profile
Doc of the Dead zombie culture documentary
— Kyle’s re-animated Twitter: @DrWalkingDead
Learn more about Dr. Walking Dead
Faculty Friday: Meet Dr. Kyle Bishop, English
– TEDx SUU Talk on YouTube: Why Zombies Matter
– YouTube: Zombies: An idea worth spreading about how ideas spread
– YouTube: 50+ Shades of Gothic: Zombies, Bodies and Boundaries
– YouTube: Why zombie culture is so popular?

Jay of the Dead’s NEW HORROR MOVIES podcast links:
Voicemail: (801) 980-1375
Twitter: @HorrorAvengers
YouTube Channel: Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies
Subscribe via Apple Podcasts
Subscribe via Spotify
Subscribe via Google Podcasts
Subscribe via Deezer
Subscribe via Stitcher

The soundtrack music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies is composed and performed by musicians Fred Ingram; Nate Johnivan; Mister Watson and his son, Skylarr; and Jason Pyles himself. Please support our talented musician friends by checking out more of Nate and Fred’s links below:

Links for musician Frederick Ingram:
Frederick Ingram’s new album Initial Exposure (includes “Voltairine,” the theme music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies)
Frederick Ingram’s YouTube Music Channel
Listen to Frederick Ingram on SoundCloud
YouTube Music Video: “Voltairine” by Frederick Ingram (the theme music for Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies)
Interview: Hear Fred Ingram on Jay’s Songwriting Podcast
Frederick Ingram’s Fish Bowl (Funky Margarita Mix)

Links for musician Nate Johnivan:
Spotify Playlist
Quarantine Dream iii

Thank you for listening to Dead Man Still Walking with Dr. Walking Dead, proudly brought to you by Jay of the Dead’sNew Horror Movies, The Gold Standard of Horror Movie Podcasts.


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