New Horror Movies Ep. 099: Top 200 Horror Movies of All Time: No. 52 - The Omen (1976)
Happy Mother’s Day! It’s all for you, Listeners! Welcome to Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies! This series of BONUS episodes (200 in all) is where we go through the Exploding Heads Horror Movie Podcast’s TOP 200 HORROR MOVIES OF ALL TIME, one film at a time, from time to time, as we take our sweet time — over time. Jay of the Dead listened to the three-part Episode 200 of the exceptional Exploding Heads’ countdown, which you can access by subscribing to their Patreon feed. Typically, we do a random drawing from the Top 200 to select a movie to review. But this time, our coverage corresponds with a new Horror movie release. So, for this episode’s review from the 200 best Horror films (as designated by 44 Horror fans) was Number 52, The Omen (1976)! NOTE: This review contains full-blown, major plot spoilers for The Omen (1976). During this episode, the Horror Avengers welcome special guest Grisly Gus! Join us!
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New Horror Movies Ep. 079: Top 200 Horror Movies of All Time: No. 169 - From Beyond (1986)
Faithful listeners will have heard this very episode teased back in Episode 064… In case you missed it, in this BONUS episode of Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies, we begin a magnificent and ambitious little side project where we’re going through the Exploding Heads Horror Movie Podcast’s TOP 200 HORROR MOVIES OF ALL TIME, one film at a time, from time to time, as we take our sweet time — over time. Jay of the Dead listened to the three-part Episode 200 of the exceptional Exploding Heads’ countdown, which you can access by subscribing to their Patreon feed. So, our first random pick from the 200 best Horror films (as designated by 44 Horror fans) was Number 169, From Beyond (1986)! Join us!
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